FlashMate Heat Detectors

Fieldays 2022 from Nov 30

FlashMate heat detector will be at national fieldays 2022 in mystery creek hamilton

Come and chat indoors at site PB3 inside the Pavilion (SthWest Cnr opp Agrifeeds). We will explain to you how simply FlashMate can catch the silent heats that can be as much as 10% of a herd. That can deliver a lot of extra bonus production; worth a lot of money. These are cows that have no rubbed patches or paint, simply as they are not accepting bulling. But they’re cycling and FlashMate can alert them very affordably. Talk to us about making heat detection easier, putting more milk in your vat sooner and sharing the job around the entire team.

Timing is everything and FlashMate tells you when to AB to lift conception rate. FlashMate gives you more bang for your buck by stacking the 3-week rate (brings production forward) through better timed AB and calling those additional quiet/silent cows. Similar budget to patches but tons easier and better returns. Paint is only cheaper on the shelf. Safeguards from blowing pregnancies later on, to keep the empty rate under control.